Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I've Been Dreaming...

So, I realize that I haven't really done much to reassess the title of this blog, which is that I'm actually a girl. In fact, one of my friend's father knew me as the "girl with the gender crisis". I'm just not overly girly, is all. I guess I'm just practical and down to earth, which isn't bad. And I like sports. However, I will now proceed to explain what I have done this past week to show that I'm actually a girl.

I went dream house internet looking. I found things that make me very happy, even if it will never ever happen in this lifetime.

southern, gorgeous home
This is my dream home, landscaping and all.
As you can see, this past week, I've completely fallen in love with southern style homes. There's just something about the large columns and the promise of open space that is absolutely wonderful. Also, I'm loving these huge trees and the wraparound porch.

Since we're solely dreaming here, I want this to be my staircase. Again, I love the open space that this provides. Not a big fan of the stone floor (I'm more of a wood/carpet kinda gal), but the staircase is perfect.

This will be my living room, complete with piano and all. There's the open space, and I also love the different shades of cream and white. And the way that the sliding door opens to the backyard is wonderful!

This will be my family room. Except there should be a TV somewhere so I can watch my sports (oh wait, that wasn't particularly girly, was it? Oops.)


This will be my library, with lots of comfy furniture to ensure excellent reading.

This is the library I really want. But this is already Belle's library, so I guess I can't steal it from her.

There would also be a room dedicated to toys and other playthings, since I do want a big family. And I don't even know what I want my kitchen to be like. This is about as far I've gotten. It's really fun to look at pictures of things that I will never have. So what I've discovered this past week is that I love open space and big rooms, with lots of light. I think that all of this fantasizing fulfills my girl quota for the week, don't you?


  1. First, your favorite house is most definitely exactly what my favorite house looks like!! Excellent taste.

    Haha and nice choice of library.

    1. Great minds think alike! And when I added Belle's library, I thought to myself "At least I know Bryant would approve!"
