Sunday, April 22, 2012


Well. It's official. I've graduated from Heritage Halls. However, the friends that I've made the past year are amazing! Everything has been wonderful, and it's hard to go. Technically, I haven't gone yet (my flight isn't until Tuesday), but sometimes that makes it harder to leave.

Things I'm going to miss:

  • Friends. No contest. I'm going to miss them the most. Especially all of the boys that are going on missions. I mean, don't get me wrong. They are doing the right thing. But I'm going to miss them so much! Today, I stopped by Mike and Rob's new place after church. When I saw them, I just gave them the biggest hugs ever and couldn't stop smiling and being happy. The last time I saw them was Saturday at 10am, and it was Sunday at 1pm. So what? 26-ish hours? And that's only two of them! What about the other lots and lots? It's going to be a long summer/two years!
  • My Ward. Let's face it. My ward was the best. We had a Tangled night and LAUNCHED TANGLED LANTERNS for cryin' out loud! We also had a ward activity that turned into a water fight, had multiple pick up games of Ultimate that went down, and had the best church meetings EVER. We also have the best bishopric of all time. I'm going to miss them so much!
  • My roommates. They were also awesome. We never had fights or arguments or anything. I don't know what it was, but it was great. I'm also going to miss them a ton. Hopefully we'll be able to keep in touch and have good times next year too! For our last little get together, we ate dinner and then wrote down where we thought the other roommates would be in five years. The majority of them either had me married to someone from Florida, living in Florida, or both. I could live with that :)
It's always so hard to say goodbye! And change is never fun either. I'm going to miss everyone so much. I feel like I've said that a thousand times, but it can't be stressed enough of how wonderful my freshman year at BYU was.

So now that the depressing sad goodbyes are out of the way, let me tell you about my awesome weekend. I love it when I have awesome weekends.

Saturday: Moved out of Horne Hall (not awesome). Said goodbye to everyone (still not awesome). (Wow, seriously sounds pretty unawesome right now...) Helped my cousin Julie with her graduation party, because she graduated with her Master's degree this weekend. Woohoo!! Went to the giant party, where I saw four of my aunts and uncles (awesome), and my cousins (doubly awesome), and it was a beautiful day (AWESOME). I then stayed the night at Julie's

Sunday: Went to Julie's Single's Ward (Weird, but still good). SAW MIKE AND ROB AT THEIR NEW PLACE!! (AMAZING) Helped Julie with the "eat the rest of my food please" gathering (pretty good). Hung out with Mike and Rob at Julie's second gathering (Awesome^10). Made plans with Rob and Mike for tomorrow, so I will see them again (WOOHOO!) Went over to James and Taryn's (two of my cousins) and played with their baby and talked for like 3 hours (Awesome as well).

So as you can see, getting the chance to hang out with Mike and Rob was the highlight of my day. It was great to see them! And now, it's time for pictures!

Aw look at these boys. Aren't they so handsome? Miss y'all!

My family away from family. We have the best FHE parents, and the best siblings ever!

And now this is a little too much sadness for my liking. Well, most likely my next post will be back home! Have a great couple of days!

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