Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What boredom leads to

Boredom happens quite a lot actually, especially to me. And it's not that I don't have lots of things to do, because believe me, my schedule is busy all the time. It's just that I get put into situations where I can't do what I want and need to do. And then by the end of the day, I'm so tired from not doing what I need to do that I don't do anything. On the other hand, I finished the Flag Project at work yesterday!

Ah the Flag Project! The joyous amount of nothing that took over 6 hours of my life! And I'm not being sarcastic. I loved the Flag project. Those little flags are my pride and joy. Because of the gaping hole of nothing I'm qualified to do at the IS office, I volunteered to redo the flags that sit atop our pens in the pen jar because they were gross and gunky and were falling off the pens. Like how some offices have flowers and stuff? Yeah, we have flags from different countries, because we're, ya know, International and all that jazz. So Monday, I looked through the G drive (it has everything we ever need for anything to with stuff. Like the Flag project. Oh and some government documents as well.) and found some of the older flags that were used a few years ago (I think) and then I identified them all to figure out if I wanted to keep them or get new ones. Basically, that was just a waste of my time because lo and behold, those flags were all worthless to me. They weren't even in the right template format to put them on the pens. The only good thing that came out of that was that I was able to use them as models for the proper dimensions of the flags.

So after I figured out which flags I wanted to use, I had to figure out how I was going to copy them to where they would align perfectly with each other once I printed it double sided. That took a lot of trial and error. I inverted the flags on the second sheet, changed the margins, and then shifted each of the flags minuscule amounts in order for them to line up perfectly. WHICH THEY DID. And I only wasted like 5 pieces of paper! Huge. Success. After I printed the pages out, I got them laminated at the Cougar Creations place down the hall. And big key to the story (well not really, but still) I GOT A NAME TAG!! I mean, I've only been working here for like three weeks now. But I have a very official name tag and everything. It's wonderful. Anyway, while walking to and from the Cougar Creations place down the hall, I got stopped twice and had people ask me for directions. It was hilarious. I mean, all it takes is a name tag, and suddenly I know everything there is to know about the Wilk.

Where was I? Oh right. Laminating. So I laminated those suckers and brought them back. Then I grabbed the department card and headed on up to the bookstore, because I was not having my pens be violated by ghetto tape. Nope. Only the best for my flags! So I bought superglue. And while I was at the bookstore, some poor soul asked me if I knew where the stopwatches were. Dude, I don't work at the bookstore, regardless of my name tag. I'm sorry. So I bought the superglue, cut the flags out, and started supergluing them to the pens. Which took a loooong time. Because you have to sit there and hold it in place. And this explanation is not going to make sense, but I have nothing better to with me life, so here it goes: To make the flags stick off the pens, there has to be tail of paper to wrap around the top of the pen. So I glued the end of the tail to the pen, and then the middle of the paper, and wrapped it around halfway, and the superglued the last of the tail to the pen. It took forever. But I got all 15 pens done! And they look wonderful! And they are now my pride and joy, so those International students better not ruin them, or they'll have to face my wrath! Then again, on the other, it would give me something to do...

I guess I could now rant about how wonderful Valentine's Day was. How I came home to my bed being made and a flower and some chocolates on the pillow. How band ended 10 minutes early. How awesome it was to walk around Provo at night like I've always wanted. But apparently these stories make people gag because the concentration of adorableness is too much to handle. So I'll restrain myself. For now.


  1. Hey maybe people on the internet want to hear about the adorableness!

  2. I want to hear about the adorableness
