Friday, January 20, 2012

I suffer from Triple O (Obsessive, Obsessive, Obsessivness)

I have a partially obsessive personality. Except take out the partially. It's pretty bad. Some people obsess over food and have undesirable cravings, but not me. My obsessions deal with certain TV shows or various groups on-campus or certain people. And sometimes it's borderline creepy. My sophomore year of high school, I became obsessed with the 1994 Spider-Man cartoons. Which is unhealthy for a high schooler. It was all I talked about. FOR MONTHS.

This happens to me quite frequently. There was the time that I became totally and completely obsessed with Bones, the TV show. I printed out a list of all of the episodes, and checked each one off after I had watched them. I watched two or three every day. Again, it was all I could talk about for months. I still love that show and am an avid fan. It's a great show. Check it out if you haven't yet. Although it can get a bit gory and gruesome most of the time, so don't check it out if you have a weak stomach.

Last year at about this time, I went through a BYU Divine Comedy rampage. I would watch their YouTube videos all the time and again, and that was all I did in my free time. Watch Divine Comedy.

This year while at BYU, I became captivated by BYU Vocal Point, which is an all male a Capella group that is based here on campus. They recently participated in the Sing Off last semester, which is basically a TV competition for a Capella groups. Vocal Point is outstanding. They sing and dance and use only their voices. Once again, they became all I talk about, and I'm fairly certain Emily was on the brink of insanity. They are my celebrities. Having celebrities that I could actually potentially meet is so much fun. One time, while I was standing in line at the BYU Creamery, I glanced beside me, and there was Ben Murphy from Vocal Point! Now Ben is my favorite because I think his voice is the most beautiful. So there he was, standing right next to me! So of course I strike up a conversation with him, and we ended up talking for awhile, which I just thought to be the coolest thing ever. That was such a wonderful day. And I only felt partially creepy for knowing who he was. A few months ago, I was working with Catering, and I found out that Vocal Point was performing on the floor above me, so while I was on break, I ran up and listened to them perform a few songs. Afterwards, they were loading up their van while we were loading up our truck, so I went over and started talking to Jake Hunsaker, and I chatted with him for a couple seconds before I had to back to work. It was wonderful. He shook my hand.

So I have a problem. Am I going to change it? Nope. Do I even want to change it? Not really. Am I creepy? Absolutely not. All I know is that one day, I will pick up a new obsession. I wonder what it will be?


  1. I love how your current obsession gets the longest paragraph! I'm totally obsessive too :)

  2. What about How I Met Your Mother?

    1. I was going to mention it. But I felt the list was long enough already. Trust me. These are not all of my obsessions. Just some of the major ones.
