Getting mail is definitely one of the best things in the whole wide world. There's just something about seeing letters addressed to me after I've pulled them out of the mailbox that makes me all warm and happy inside! It's wonderful. And if I feel like that every few days when I get a letter, then imagine how those missionaries feel when they get letters from me! They probably feel even better!
This picture represents the amount of mail I have received this summer. Isn't it so super cool?!
Now you see why I've been spending less and less time on the blog, and more and more time writing missionaries. It's super fun.
On a completely different note, look at what I did to the Suburban mirror!
It cost me eighty-two dollars to replace the glass. Talk about a huge boo-boo for my wallet. Now we're having trouble with other parts of the mirror, (I didn't do it! I promise!) so now it's actually in worse shape than it was with the cracked mirror. Lesson that I learned: Cars are super expensive, and cause tons of trouble. I mean, a car isn't magically going to fix itself! Every day it just deteriorates into worse shape than it was the day before. So not fun. That's why I won't get a car for a long, long time.
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